Considering Adoption? What You Need to Know

Considering Adoption? What You Need to Know

In the United States, it’s estimated that nearly 50 percent of all pregnancies are considered unintentional. If you are faced with an unplanned pregnancy and are unsure of the next steps, adoption may be good for you and your unborn baby.

Finding out that you’re pregnant before you’re really ready to be a parent can be frightening. Some women dealing with an unexpected pregnancy may not feel as though they are ready to parent a child, some lack resources, and some don’t want to be alone in raising a child. While some women do consider adoption, many are not sure of the process. It is not uncommon for women to wonder if they can carry their child to term and still go through with an adoption plan for their child. Others are concerned about what will happen should they decide to place their child for adoption. Trained counselors are available to support you, provide information on the adoption process, and to support you in decision making.

For women seeking a way to provide for their child, adoption is a loving choice; it is another way of parenting their child. Many birth mothers who chose adoption will opt to have an open adoption. The birth mother will have the opportunity to choose the adoptive parents. The birth mother and the adoptive parents will have the opportunity to meet prior to the birth of the baby. This period of getting to know each other greatly eases the fears and anxieties faced by both the birth mother and the adoptive parents.  It is not uncommon for birth mothers and adoptive parents to be anxious about meeting each other and wanting to be liked.

Choosing the adoptive family has a very positive impact on the process. The birth mother will find comfort in knowing who is caring for her child. After the baby is placed with the adoptive family, a birth mother is often comforted by seeing that her child is “okay” through pictures shared by the adoptive family and sometimes through post-placement visits. A birth mother can be reassured that her child is thriving and is further assured when she witnesses the bond between her child and the adoptive parents. This is exactly what a birth mother wants for her child.

Choosing adoption for one’s child is one of the most courageous choices a mother can make. When a mother decides to place her child for adoption, it’s a decision that places the child’s needs before her own.

Adoptive parents often express sincere gratitude to the birth mother and recognize her sacrifice.

Ultimately, women who choose adoption do not choose adoption out of selfishness, but choose adoption out of selflessness.

Real Alternatives exists to provide life-affirming options to women working through an unexpected pregnancy. Our counselors provide compassionate care while supporting women through the adoption process. By listening to women and understanding their hopes, fears and dreams, Real Alternatives makes a real difference by helping pregnant women at a very vulnerable time in their life.

Our programs are funded by the State of Indiana and privately by the citizens of Pennsylvania. We have been serving women with unexpected pregnancies since 1996 by  providing pregnancy and parenting support services.  We do not provide or refer for abortion. Outside IN call 1-800-848-LOVE.


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